Our Calendar

Monday, June 29, 2009


One of the wonderful blessings of homeschooling is the instant support group/church family/friends network that exists among fellow homeschooler. Adam drove to Portland to join a group of other HSA members
(Home School Alumni http://www.homeschoolalumni.org/)
who were hiking in Oregon. He spent Friday night with some friends he had met at a previous HSA Reunion, and enjoyed hiking to Ramona Falls on Saturday.

A very High Tech Hike: multiple cameras, video, walkie talkies, etc.
I think this is Brian Plett and Nathan Becker, and a nice person's back.

Views on the Hike.

Adam drove back to Washington Saturday evening and went to church Sunday morning.
He has also really enjoyed the congregation he has been attending in Seattle http://www.pilgrimbible.org/
He was able to link up with other similar families through the homeschool network.

The Falls look beautiful. Wow!

Today Adam was introduced to a new intern at Boeing. This intern was Chad Burns, of the Burns family in Illinois, and Burns Family Studio Filmmakers. Their family are dear people and have visited with us in our home. What a coincidence that now Adam and Chad are two cubicles apart in Seattle.
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