Our Calendar

Saturday, December 08, 2007


One of the things for which we are most thankful are the wonderful friends that the LORD has given us. We were blessed to spend the Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving Eve) with a few (about 30) of our favorite friends, the Nails (in town from Indianapolis), and the Martin, Mosher, and Tom Eldredge Jr. families. We've known these families for close to 20 years. It was a delightful evening of food, fun, and fellowship. We felt so blessed to have these precious people in our lives. I failed to take any pictures that night, but have inserted a few photos from "the archives". (Next time maybe they'll remind me to get out my camera).

Photos from November 1994 (the Englishes were unable to come at the last minute on Wednesday because of illness). We all had just two children when we first started spending time together.

"Let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit" I Peter 3:8

These friends have been all this and more!
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